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20+ Foods to Avoid with High Blood Pressure

heart disease high blood pressure May 28, 2023

This video covers over 20 of the worst foods and ingredients for high blood pressure and heart disease. 

Some of them even have the American Heart Association heart check mark right on the label! 

If you have a blood pressure of 130/85 or higher, or if you’re taking a blood pressure med like lisinopril or metoprolol this episode is for you. 

If you don’t start reducing these foods, your blood pressure will continue to go up. Then you'll need more meds, and higher doses. 

Those medications come with side effects like stomach problems, feeling lightheaded, and headaches. 

To lower your risk for these side effects and heart disease, reduce these foods in your diet. 


Highlights From This Episode

[0:00] Topic introduction.

[0:44] Caution about blood pressure medications overshooting. 

[1:52] Sugar-sweetened beverages.

[2:07] Why refined sugar raises blood pressure. 

[2:21] How much Cheerios pays the American Heart Association for their stamp of approval each year. 

[3:05] French fries, fried foods, and discussion on trans fats in certain oils. 

[4:11] Some chips.

[4:28] Candy, especially the “naked carbs.”

[4:56] Processed white foods. 

[5:20] Some salad dressings. 

[6:03] Microwave popcorn. 

[6:20] Some frozen, prepackaged meals. 

[6:50] Some deli meats.


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Resources From This Episode

>> Join Zivli

>> Freebie: Weight Loss Mindset Audio Training

>> Freebie: The Ultimate Food Guide