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5 Mistakes to Avoid When Lowering High Blood Pressure

insulin resistance lower high blood pressure Jun 11, 2023

This video covers five common mistakes to avoid when you're trying to lower high blood pressure.

Lowering high blood pressure is important because it helps reduce your risk for things like stroke, heart disease, and a heart attack.

As a geriatric physical therapist I have seen first stream the negative effects of these health conditions. It is so much easier to prevent and reverse them in the early stages.

And unfortunately your doctor may have just given you the advice to eat less salt or to lose weight or to walk more.

That kind of advice isn't always very helpful…

That's because what really causes high blood pressure is high levels of insulin and insulin resistance. So until you’re focusing on lowering insulin and inflammation, you may still struggle to lower high blood pressure.

We hope this episode gives you some ideas on what you can optimize. While we didn’t mention it directly here, it’s also very important to sleep and reduce your stress to lower blood pressure. These are two commonly overlooked controllable factors.


Highlights From This Episode

[0:00] Topic introduction.

[1:11] Failing to recognize high insulin and insulin resistance as a cause of high blood pressure. This leads to following faulty advice that’s not very effective to lower blood pressure.

[1:27] Overemphasizing macronutrients and overlooking sodium. This leads to eating too much sodium.

[4:00] Thinking all trans fats are created equally and fearing animal products.

[5:22] Overeating added sugar due to its high stimulation of insulin.

[6:52] Lack of exercise intensity and duration. They may be moving, but not gaining the cardiovascular benefits they would if they increased these two levers.

[8:40] Not checking blood pressure daily and risking medication “overshoot” leading to low blood pressure.


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Resources From This Episode

>> Join Zivli

>> Freebie: Weight Loss Mindset Audio Training

>> Source: Prevalence of Optimal Metabolic Health in American Adults

>> Source: Trans unsaturated fatty acids in natural products and processed foods

>> Source: Natural Rumen-Derived trans Fatty Acids Are Associated with Metabolic Markers of Cardiac Health