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Overcoming the Challenge of Breaking Bad Habits With Dr. Sherry Price

quit alcohol self awareness transform your habits Jul 17, 2024

In this episode, Sherry Price, PharmD, BCPS, MBA, APh discusses alcohol and habit change, sharing her personal journey from heavy drinking to intentional alcohol use. She emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and understanding the emotions driving drinking behavior, highlighting the need to address shame and find methods that align with individual goals.

Dr. Price underscores the role of cognitive and emotional management in changing habits, offering strategies such as counting drinks, identifying emotions, and finding alternative ways to cope with anger.

The conversation delves into the emotional and cognitive aspects of habit change, focusing on alcohol and sugar consumption.


Highlights From This Episode

[00:00]  Topic introduction.

[01:29]  Dr. Price's journey to habit change.  

[08:02]  Dealing with anger and emotions.  

[23:16]  Identifying and coping with emotions.  

[27:18 Managing anger and releasing energy.  

[32:52]  Emotions that drive drinking behavior.  

[35:48]  Addressing loneliness and cultivating connections.  

[41:33]  Cognitive skills for emotional mastery.  

[48:49]  The challenge of breaking bad habits.  

[54:45]  Commitment vs. motivation in habit change.

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Resources From This Episode

>> Join Zivli
>> Test Your Insulin at Home
>> Free Low Insulin Food Guide
>> Free Master Your Macros Training Video
>> Health, Habits, and Epic Living Podcast
>> Dr. Sherry’s Website
>> Dr. Sherry’s Instagram