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Letting Go of Attachment to the Scale With Zivli Member Chris

healthy lifestyle weight loss mindset wellness tips Aug 12, 2024

In this episode, Zivli member, Chris talks about her weight loss and health journey.  They talk about how it is critical to see improvements rather than deficits, how to let go of attachment to the scale, and how to reframe negative self-talk.  The challenges of feeling busy and its impact on eating habits are also explored.

There is also discussion of the difficulties associated with feeling busy and how it affects eating habits. Emphasis is placed on planning dinners, particularly for those who struggle with decision fatigue in the evenings. Strategies such as using a recipe bank and batch cooking are suggested to simplify meal planning. 

Highlights From This Episode

[00:00] Topic introduction.

[02:58] Focusing on gains vs gaps.

[08:39] Letting go of attachment to the scale.

[13:52] Reframing negative self-talk.

[19:34] The impact of feeling busy on eating habits.

[25:18] Implementing a daily meeting agenda.

[37:31] Tracking progress with a weekly assessment.

[37:59] Reviewing upcoming commitments and priorities.

[40:09] Planning dinners in advance.

[42:40] Dealing with the challenge of disliking leftovers.

[49:42] Staying focused on tasks and setting expectations with team members.


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Resources From This Episode

>> Join Zivli
>> Test Your Insulin at Home
>> Free Low Insulin Food Guide
>> Free Master Your Macros Training Video