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How to do a Low-Carb Diet Right: Avoid These 5 Mistakes When Cutting Carbs to Lose Weight

carbohydrates dr. morgan nolte fiber low-carb sugar weight loss Mar 30, 2020

Note: Reshape Physical Therapy and Wellness evolved into Weight Loss for Health, and finally Zivli. How to Lose Weight After 50 was our first course that eventually grew into Zivli. Some old blog posts or resources mentioned in this episode may have been removed. 

Cutting carbs and sugar to lose weight? If you are starting a low carb diet, it’s crucial to know the difference between good and bad carbohydrates. You need to know how to do a low-carb diet right to lose weight. Not all carbs are created equally.

Cutting carbs and sugar is not the same thing.

Some carbohydrates will cause a higher blood sugar and insulin response than others. If you are looking to lose weight after 50, or if you’ve been struggling with weight loss after menopause, it’s vitally important that you understand not all carbs will make you gain weight, and some even help you lose weight and prevent disease.

This video will help you learn about the three main types of carbohydrates - starches, sugars, and fiber. You will learn how each is metabolized differently to either contribute, or protect against insulin resistance, weight gain, and disease progression. By the end of this video you will have crystal clarity about the worst type of carb for your health.


Highlights From This Episode

[0:00] Topic Intro

[1:30] Starch vs fiber vs sugar.

[2:36] How much fiber do you need in a day?

[3:12] The difference between starch and sugar.

[4:10] The difference between natural and added sugars.

[5:31] Why added sugar is worse than starch.

[6:35] How much added sugar you should have in a day (max!).

[7:09] Don’t switch one poison for another (sugar vs artificial sweeteners).


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Resources From This Episode

>> Join Zivli

>> Freebie: Weight Loss Mindset Audio Training

>> Freebie: The Ultimate Food Guide

>> Carbohydrates Part 1: Facts About Fiber

>> Carbohydrates Part 2: Facts About Sugar

>> Simple Vs Complex Carbs | Eat Carbs and Still Lose Weight

>> How to Get Over Your Sugar Addiction