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7 Simple Steps to Lower High Blood Pressure Naturally & Quickly

lower blood pressure reduce blood pressure Jun 04, 2023

In this video you'll learn seven simple steps to lower high blood pressure naturally and quickly.

If you don't lower your blood pressure, you're increasing your risk for a stroke, heart attack, or heart failure.

As a geriatric physical therapist I've seen these more times than I care to count. It's so much better to prevent them in the first place.

So lowering high blood pressure is an important problem to solve.

Your blood pressure is high if it's anything greater than 130/80. Anything greater than 120/80 should be a flag to make some lifestyle changes.

If you're taking medication like metoprolol, lisinopril, even if your doctor says it's for something else like your kidneys, you likely would have high blood pressure without it.

So we consider that also a flag for lifestyle changes to lower blood pressure.


Highlights From This Episode

[0:00] Topic introduction.

[0:55] Watch out for this adverse effect from blood pressure medication.

[1:12] Symptoms of low blood pressure.

[2:13] Choose carbs wisely. (Discussion on different types of carbs.)

[4:04] Reduce nicotine.

[4:20] Reduce caffeine.

[4:58] Reduce alcohol.

[5:30] Reduce processed foods.

[7:31] Increase potassium.

[8:12] Decrease stress. (Discussion on stress management and reduction techniques.)


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Resources From This Episode

>> Join Zivli

>> Freebie: Weight Loss Mindset Audio Training

>> Freebie: The Ultimate Food Guide

>> Weight Loss Mindset Tip Playlist

>> Video: 5 Ways Insulin Resistance Causes High Blood Pressure & Heart Disease

>> Source: The Evidence for Saturated Fat and for Sugar Related to Coronary Heart Disease

>> Nicotine Gum as a Therapeutic Approach for Low Blood Pressure in Parkinson’s Disease

>> Source: Coffee Consumption and Blood Pressure

>> Source: Association of Alcohol Intake With Hypertension in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus