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Lowering Belly Fat & Optimizing Your Workouts After 50 With Debra Atkinson, MS, CSCS

belly fat menopause weight loss Nov 29, 2023

Are you seeking effective strategies to tackle belly fat and optimize your workout routine after menopause? Look no further! In a recent enlightening conversation with Debra Atkinson, the founder of Flipping 50, we uncovered some incredible insights that can transform your fitness journey.

Debra Atkinson's expertise in guiding women through their fitness transformations post-menopause is unparalleled, and the insights shared during our conversation are incredibly empowering.

If you're ready to take charge of your fitness journey and bid farewell to stubborn belly fat while embracing a tailored workout plan for this new phase of life, watch and learn.


Highlights From This Episode

[0:00] Topic introduction.

[04:33] Why does belly fat typically increase after menopause?

[10:48] Best tips for women to lower cortisol levels in midlife.

[14:05] How much exercise is too much?

[15:35] Ideal exercise programming for women in perimenopause (40s).

[27:24] Debra’s opinion on Orange Theory & Heart Monitoring System.

[46:40] Tips for exercising while fasting.

[53:18] Tips for muscle recovery.

[58:47] What does creatine do to our body?

[1:00:57] Importance of stretching for women over 50 and 60.


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Resources From This Episode

 >> Join Zivli

>> Test Your Insulin at Home

>> Free Low Insulin Food Guide

>> Free Master Your Macros Training Videos

>> Flipping 50 Website

>> You Still Got It, Girl: The After 50 Fitness Formula for Women Book

>> Hot, Not Bothered Book