Why Boundaries Are Required for Weight Loss With Cynthia, Zivli Member
Aug 02, 2023In this very special episode of the Reshape Your Health podcast, I get to interview one of our Zivli members, Cynthia. She’s been a regular attendee at Office Hours and has generously shared her insights, wins, and struggles with our Zivli community.
Her story has inspired me so much that I wanted to bring her message to our broader podcast and YouTube community.
She’s overcome so much in her life and has spent more than a year addressing her mental weight. She knows the physical weight will follow as she continues to master her mindset.
She’s been a true inspiration for us to keep showing up and doing our best every day. We hope you are as inspired by Cynthia as we are.
Highlights From This Episode
[0:00] Topic introduction.
[5:01] Cynthia's journey before joining Zivli.
[10:05] How Cynthia worked on her limiting thoughts.
[15:33] Cynthia talks about perfectionism and high expectations.
[19:25] Cynthia talks about putting herself first.
[23:48] How Cynthia dealt with alcohol and other substances.
[25:38] Cynthia's experience with stopping caffeine.
[31:03] Cynthia shares what tools she’s used to help with her cravings.
[35:39] Cynthia talks about weight loss and her mental health.
[37:05] Cynthia shares how her Personal Faith Formula helped her journey.
[40:30] Cynthia shares how she does her self-reflection.
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Resources From This Episode
>> Join Zivli
>> Book a Free Zivli Discovery Call
>> Freebie: Weight Loss Mindset Audio Training